People from New York state often ask if Empire BCBS will cover addiction treatment?
The answer is 100% yes, but there are a few conditions that may need to be met. There may be a deductible in your health care insurance plan, that may need to be paid before the insurance will kick in.

If you would like us to check the benefits on your insurance plan
please fill out our Verification of Benefits Form
Some plans like an HMO will on cover In Network programs, while other plans like a PPO will cover the costs of out of network programs.
At Valiant Recovery we can work with your Empire BCBS PPO plan to cover the costs of alcohol addiction treatment.
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) is a Health Care Insurance company that operates in the United States. They have programs in all 50 states. Empire members in New York State have access to the large BCBS network of health care services.
Addiction Treatment is no exception your insurance policy does cover inpatient treatment programs, we are here to help make the process of getting help simple and painless. If you are looking for help for yourself or for a loved one, reach out to us today and we can help answer all the questions you might have.

The Types of Substance Abuse treatments that Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield covers are as follows:
- Detoxification
- Residenatial Inpatient
- Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
- Intensive Outpatient (IOP)
Plans offered through Empire BCBS
Bronze -this is the most basic level that they offer, it comes with the lowest premiums, but it also carries the highest deductibles. This level often coves 60% of healthcare costs, leaving the balance 40% to be covered by the patient.
Silver – this plan offers a more balanced level of care vs premium costs. the coverage percentage at this level is roughly 70%
Gold – Gold plans have a lower deductible but do cost more in monthly premiums. the rate they cover healthcare expenses is typically 80%
Platinum – The platinum plan is the most comprehensive, it carries the lowest deductibles, and it has the highest premium costs, but it covers 90% of the medical expenses leaving little to nothing for the patient to worry about.